Friday, September 12, 2008



Unknown said...

First, I'd like to thank you for having the vision to do something like this project for our friends who hear the word "Ramadan," still have no clue what all is entailed. Second, I would like to say that this posted video doesn't say why it's difficult to fast in the U.S. compared to fasting in a Muslim country. Is it the expectations of an employer here compared to there? Is it the difficulty of having to explain here while some place else everyone else is fasting along with you? What exactly? I ask, because to my understanding, the fast is about than abstaining from food and drink, or reading the Qur'an or praying taraweeh in the mosque. There is, for example, the charity that should take place, and the reflection (which you arguably are doing now). I don't know...I just wondered if in your delirium between lack of sleep, and a stuffed tummy, you had considered these things. Thirdly and finally, I wish you the best ('Ramadan Mubarak') for the remainder of the month. I'll share this blog with some of my friends, as it was shared with me by Vx. Stay strong, bro!

Anonymous said...

That makes me want to kick your DP's ass--is he the one making you feel this way??? Allah humma inee sayma...but I could still do it if you want me to? Just give me the word.

Thankfully, the people in my work environment are quite accepting and interested in Ramadan, so I don't get that same vibe, but I know that it exists.

There is a definite difference between fasting here and in Pali though--and I spent some time explaining to them why we don't feel Ramadan here, but we definitely feel the fasting if that makes any sense.